Thursday, February 16, 2006

Black Sand 2/14/06

Having been burned that day by Russian gangsters (to the tune of $800.00), my enthusiasm wasn't all it could of been, but I still managed to annoy Conrad with a set of love songs. Which is really what it's all about, right? You could be living in the gutter, without a dime, but if you could still annoy Conrad, you'd be the richest man in the world...

So anyway, here it is: the last weekly show...from here on in it's going to be every two weeks. Fucking "community" bullshit (sorry mom). People can still tune in to Matt's fine show "The Open Work", airing at the same time...

Artists: Gift, Os Mundi, Moving Gelatine Plates, Bold, Sergius Golowin, Salvation, and the highly pronounceable ForeningenTil Livest Beskyttelse.


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