Saturday, October 29, 2005

Black Sand: October 25, 2005 - Halloween Massacre!

We pulled out all the stops for this special holiday episode of Black Sand - a sound clip of a woman possessed by Lucifer, "The Wandering Soul" (PSYOP tape used to scare VC troops in Vietnam), a musical tribute to the Apocalypse, and audio proof why Conrad is the Antichrist. Which I think we suspected all along.

Goodies: Horse, Horrific Child, Necronomicon & the entire "Satanic Mass" by Coven, which is kinda the audio equivalent of those black Necco wafers. Kiss the goat!


Download it here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Black Sand: October 18, 2005

This show was all about volume; by that I mean we were screwing up the levels all night. I nearly blew out Conrad's eardrums by accidentally turning his headphones up all the way. For his part, Conrad provided the very psychedelic sloooow crossfade that begins the show, and interrupted my reading of the set list by asking for a mic check. By sheer coincidence, we both brought along a clip of real "drug crazed" ranting, though I'm not sure if mine was actually a guy "hopped up on marijuana" (as stated by CBS reporter Bill Downs), or a field recording of a Halloween haunted house. Speaking of Halloween, it looks like we have something holiday related in the works for next week, so definitely check that out...

Some stuff we played: Smash, Tommy Flanders, a mind-blower by the Chico Magnetic Band, Shy Guys, Pan Y Regaliz, Fear Itself, etc.

Download the show here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Black Sand: October 11, 2005

The webstream was down for the past two weeks, so the bad news is that there's no archive of those shows. The good news is that they fixed the webstream. The bad news? It went down right before yesterday's show. The good news? Using a massive 1970s receiver I found on my back porch, & an primitive antenna setup involving speaker wire, a coathanger, a mic stand, and some duct tape, I capured the show in all it's analog glory. And yes, it's still in mono. Coincidentally, the monitors in the studio were as well; in this case, only in the right speaker. Also, the phone wasn't ringing in the studio, so if you called and your name isn't Dana, we missed it. Sorry to sound like a sourpuss, but hey, I like rhubarb.

Some artists played: Highway Robbery, The Ron Ray Light Show, Sub, Kubero Diaz Y La Pesada, Shin Jung Hyun Sound and a mess of Xian stuff from The Ark, Jonathan & Charles, The Search Party and the terrible "Meet God, Man!" lp.

The show is here.