Thursday, November 24, 2005

Black Sand 11/22/05

Not too much to say about this show... to my total annoyance there was a ground loop problem, which is responsible for the grinding background noise you hear during my sets....I'm working on it, ok? Otherwise, a nice selection, and Conrad's pronunciation of French is always worth hearing.

Artists: Tobruk, Zipps, "The Pot Party" (from the film "Teenage Rebellion"), Traffic Sound, Congregacion, Heldon, etc.



Thursday, November 17, 2005

Black Sand 11/15/05

The usual quality sounds, but a somewhat low key show, after which Conrad broke down in the parking lot & had to be towed back to Easthampton. They towed his car too (drum roll). I ended up waiting around for 2 hours until Matt finished his show & could cart my sorry ass home. Thanks Matt.

Artists: Blues Addicts, Firebirds, The Golden Cups, Ame Son (pictured), the "Hey Mr. Holy Man" Megamix (Shiver & Kiss Inc.), Sand, etc.

Conrad said the Kiss Inc. track was the cheesiest thing I've played on the show. We'll just see about that.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Black Sand: November 8, 2005

We arrived "completely sober" (FCC rules y'know), to find the studio in a scandalous state of back rubbing & booze swilling. And who knew the couch could fold out into a bed? Turned out it was VFR guy Tristan's birthday party, which I actually knew about but forgot. Anyway, the festive atmosphere must have lent something special to the show, cause this was a good one. I'd like to think we rocked the party, but I'm pretty sure they turned it down after the opening Night Sun/Baumstam 1-2 punch. So we stole the tap.

Artistes: Coloured Balls, Paternoster, Los Speakers, Paraphenalia, and the band name I wish I thought of, Cool Stove.


Download it here.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Black Sand 11/01...ahh fuggit....

No recording this week folks, looks like I either forgot to turn on the webstream prior to leaving the house, or it died before show time. In any case, from what I remember of the show, we talked about microphones a lot. Yeah, I know, we always talk about the mics, but even more so this week. Is the mic loud enough, too loud, is it on, which mic is it, etc. As a result, we might be changing the name of the show; "Is This Thing On?" is the front runner for title right now, though "I Like Mic" is another possibility.

Big highlight for me was a track Conrad played by a guy named Stu Mitchell, about "a town called L.S.D.". You not get to hear good song. Also played: Hairy Chapter, Smokin Willie, The West Coast Workshop, Speed Glue & Shinki, etc. And (Canadian!) Burton Cummings reminded us of why "it pays to go to meetin's" of the Army Reserves. Must have been some kind of community service plea bargain or something. We'll be back next week with something more tangible (a.k.a., back to recording the show off the receiver).