Friday, April 28, 2006

Red Sand 4/25/06

What is it exactly about the name Black Sand? It seems simple enough to remember, but as Justin's intro will attest, things are not always as easy as they appear to be (listen for Conrad's booming laughter in the background). Later that night I spied the revised VFR schedule - "Black Sands". Does that even make sense? Sands?

Artists: Ahora Mazda (pictured), Samla Mammas Manna, The Bermuda Jam, Salt Water Soul, Bang, and some frank & thought provoking perspectives on the demon weed.



Thursday, April 13, 2006

Black Sand 4/11/06 w/ Guest DJ Josh Burkett

Here it is, the Joshua episode... J.B. brought some nice stuff, including a great teen cover of (Blue Cheer's cover of) "Summertime Blues" that totally slays...thanks to the Jibba for coming out...this brings us up to Vol. 4 of the archives, which will be available in the next couple of days (or whenever I type up all the playlists). What is "French hair"?

Artists: Kubero Diaz y la Pesada (pictured), New Americans, Trevor McNamara, Stonewall, Aeroblus, Le Assemblee, Gordon Alexander, I Drive, etc.



Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Black Sand 3/28/06

Long time no see huh? The computor has been out of service for a long overdue upgrade - rather than regale you with endless tales of "SATA floppies" & "flashing my BIOS", I humbly present last week's show. Next week, the one and only Josh Burkett, a.k.a. Joshua, a.k.a. "The Jibba" will be our special guest, with some bizarro shit from his don't want to miss this one....

Artists: Beauregard Ajax, Second Life, Docdail, Third Power, Citizens For Interplanetary Activity, etc.

MP3 (right click & save)
