Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Black Sand 12/6/05

The phone rang during the first or second song; it was a pal from Easthampton informing me that he and some other friends were completely stoned out of their minds & digging the show. This is the kind of call we like to get, not some disturbed loner with a Dick Dale fixation. Inspired me to condense most of the hard rock stuff scattered through the playlist into one big sticky was the least I could do after Conrad's sax heavy Wazoo track (he regrets nothing). So yeah, look out for the wank factor about 45 minutes in, if you're allergic to that kind of thing. Conrad follows that w/lo-fi live Pink Fairies, so it goes on for quite a while. Fuckin A! Grab a 15 pack of Black Label & ...

Played: Taman Shud, the cartoonish Lagger Blues Machine, Damon, Ofo The Black Company, Labat, Ze Remalho y Lula Cortes, and a heartfelt tribute to "The Bar" by Tom Sirard.



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