Thursday, September 01, 2011

Black Sand reboot/Fall fashion tips

I know what you're thinking. "A new episode? Finally something on the internet to listen to!"

Actually, there isn't one, although the topic has come up a few times recently. It's just that neither of us have been motivated enough to do it, despite living in the same apartment. Always reaching for the stars...

So maybe we'll get our shit together soon. But as a kind of compromise, all the shows on this blog are back up, & the playlist links are working again. The shows from the podcast will be archived here shortly, as well as one or two that I thought were lost. "Completing the discography"; a warm, yet somehow empty feeling any record collector will be familiar with.

But if you want to talk about really feeling good, clothes are where it's at. Am I right!?!

If you don't want to look like a complete asshole this autumn, perhaps you might want the right people to see you in one of these "badd dawgs":

Hard to believe, but this is a totally unsolicited tribute to BS, in that most revered of all media, the T-shirt...silkscreened by humans in a VT garage, on black 100% cotton shirts.

$12 US/$20 World, postpaid. To order, email ron(at) More details here.
Thanks Ron, and to everyone who has supported the show in one way or another...more to come?


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